Just Listen: Gaining Self Confidence and the Gift of Authentic Being is my latest book, scheduled to be released in Fall 2021. It is also my God-work, marking a coming-of-age where my passions, gifts, and mission culminate on the page for all to read. It will share how (deep) listening is the answer and the gateway to creating any and everything you could imagine. This book shows you how. Enjoy the excerpt I’ve included below!

Authentic peace comes from trusting yourself deeply, being unwavering in your faith and in knowing that you are guided every moment of every day if you would just slow down long enough to listen.  For most of my clients, and for those of you who have found this forthcoming book, you’re probably at a crossroads. Your life situation may be spiraling out of control. You may be facing divorce, health issues or deep fear in your life. I’m here to tell you that amidst this chaos, this isn’t who you really are. Nor is this who you really want to be. The frantic, people-pleasing individual, the possibly-quite angry person you see before you, isn’t you. You have a choice. To be your authentic, Godly self every single day. And while I can’t tell you who the person is (only you know), I can show you how to listen. How to know yourself and spirit, and how to check yourself before you wreck yourself. 

Please sign up for my email list to be notified of when it’s released. For bulk orders for your organization or as a resource for your clients, please email info@herlifeherlegacy.com.